The Feral Tissue Protocol
Look at the logo reproduced at the bottom of this page. It is a map. It shows both how Feral Tissue can develop, as well as how we might return it to normal.
There are 3 Fundamental Triggers (the colored circles) and 6 Programs (the words around the circle) that we need to address.
Many of the protocols will work on multiple Triggers and or Programs, so you will see a good deal of overlap. All protocols should be done simultaneously with the exception of the bicarbonate protocols which should begin on day 5.
The Fundamental Triggers
- SCFA: Consider Phylamet, Lactimet and Panaceum.
- AHR: Consider Receptimet, Xeneplex and Ellagica
- PH: Consider Bicarbament and hot sodium bicarbonate baths sufficient to achieve a urinary pH of 7.5 to 8.0
The 6 Programs
- Receptor upregulation: Consider Phylamet, Lactimet, Panaceum, Ellagica, Xeneplex and Receptimet
- Fermentation: Consider Phylamet, Lactimet, Panaceum, Medicardium and exercise with oxygen (EWOT)
- Stem Cell: Consider EWOT, Receptimet and the Electron Charger.
- Mucin: Consider Pancremet
- Sloughing: Consider Bicarbamet and sodium bicarbonate baths
- Trophoblast: Consider Pancremet and the Electron Charger
These protocols are listed for research purposes only. They are not medical advice, nor have they been proven safe or effective.